This 48-minute documentary tells the story of the impending closure, but survival of the now successful Allen Memorial Hospital in Oberlin and the demise of the once successful multi-speciality group, the Oberlin Clinic. Excerpts from interviews of…
Part I of the Oberlin Medical History series outlines events from 1834-1864 including the beginning doctors in town and their relationship to the newly founded Oberlin College. Featured is Dr. James Dascomb and other early events in Oberlin as they…
Part 2 of the Oberlin Medical History series outlines the events from 1865 to 1892 including the doctors who practiced in Oberlin and other local and world events in medicine. The arrival of Dr. Dudley Allen in town, his home and the young Dudley…
Part 4 of the Oberlin Medical History series outlines the events from 1916 to 1934 including the doctors who practiced in town, the building of the new Allen Memorial hospital in 1925 and the contributions of Dr. Dudley Peter Allen and Elizabeth…